Saturday, 14 May 2011

Machine building...assemble & tune

OK, here's that first Frame all assembled & looking much more like a Tattoo Machine or in this case what's usually referred to as the "Machine Head".

From the very outset I'd been designing & building this particular Frame for use as a Magnum.
Although it's now been tweaked & tuned, I'm technically still calling this a "prototype" as it's still to be properly run in for at least several hours whilst doing a Tattoo...
...hopefully I can organise for that to happen within the next week or so.

When that's all done & there's no major changes needed, everything gets measured, stripped down, then the Frame & various parts will be prepared for Chrome plating.
Once back from the Chromers, everything gets reassembled using those previous measurements, test run & tuned again to be sure it's all working as it was before.

And because no Tattoo Machine is complete without a Tube & Grip, that's one of the next things to tackle.

Next on the agenda...a Liner Machine 

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