Thursday, 19 May 2011

Machine building...the ultimate test

As mentioned in the previous post, this Machine still had to be run in & properly tested under load...
...that basically means putting it through it's passes by doing a complete Tattoo.

This would be the ultimate test of the Machine, even more so, my skills as it'd been so long since I'd built a Machine!

I wanted a fair & unbiased assessment of this Machines capabilities as a Magnum or Color Shader, especially when compared against what's presently available.
So what better test than to drop this Machine into Eternal Ink & let the young crew there give it a run.

The Machine (also me) passed it's tests as a Magnum (Color) Machine with "flying colors" (pun intended)
A really Big Thanks goes to Donny at Eternal Ink for graciously agreeing to do the tests & for providing these photos as well.

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